Michael Komara, Founder & CEO of Solas Wealth, Episode 139

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For nearly 30 years, Michael Komara has been helping people gain clarity and direction on challenges they face by lighting the way forward with direction and solutions, so they can experience all they were designed to be. He offers boutique-style service to his clients at Solas Wealth by developing each financial plan and investment portfolio to fit each client’s specific needs. Michael believes in continual personal and professional improvement, utilizing a collaborative approach in his work, speaking the truth in love, seeing the humor in situations and life, and having a lot of fun along the way.

Michael joins us on The Wow Factor to discuss what he learned as a young man working in the family business, including lessons in human behavior. He shares why his career path took him from teaching to ministry and on to founding his own financial services company. In addition, he describes some of the challenges he encountered along the way. Michael also discusses the goal of his book, Unlimited Upside, unpacks his seven F’s, explains the process of creating them, and shares why the first one on the list is fun.

“A person can be successful in one or two areas of their life. But if they continue to avoid or neglect some of these other key areas, it's only a matter of time before the cracks start to surface.” - Michael Komara

“If you stay in a ‘have to’ job for too long of a time, you start getting crusty, your attitudes start changing, and people pick up on it.” - Michael Komara

“Be aware — as we grow and can increase in our level of awareness, we will become that much more effective as leaders.” -  Michael Komara

This Week on The Wow Factor:

  • How Michael’s love of sports impacted his leadership skills

  • Where Michael’s interest in money management came from

  • The importance of understanding the necessity of finding balance in life

  • Michael’s book Unlimited Upside and why he was inspired to write it

  • How finding $30,000 in a freezer made Michael reevaluate the role of money in life

  • Why Michael decided to move from teaching into ministry after college

  • Why Michael’s plans to build his own business in the financial sector were almost torpedoed before they really got underway

  • Why Michael and his wife Mary Ann came up with the term ‘fun meter’ and what it means

  • Where he got the idea to write a tribute to his parents in his book

  • Why Michael feels it’s critical to find a job that gets your heart pumping

  • How to be a ‘can do’ leader in life

Michael Komara’s Words of Wisdom:

I've discovered over the years that as we grow and increase our awareness level, we will become much more effective as leaders. I'm talking about both self-awareness and the awareness of how others are feeling in the moment, and whether you’re connecting effectively and authentically. 

Connect with Michael Komara: 

Connect with The WOW Factor:


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