Tom Monaghan, Founder of Domino’s Pizza and Founder, Chancellor and Member of the Board of Trustees for Ave Maria University, Episode 240

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Tom Monaghan is the Founder, Chancellor and Member of the Board of Trustees for Ave Maria University. He is known as a wildly successful entrepreneur, the founder of Domino’s Pizza, an avid collector of Frank Lloyd Wright items and the former owner of the Detroit Tigers. If his story stopped there, he might seem to fit in with other savvy entrepreneurs whose hard work and ingenuity paid off. But his greatest personal achievements came later in life, when Tom decided to fully immerse himself in charitable works, Catholic philanthropy and the call to help restore Catholic higher education. 

This week on The Wow Factor, we’re welcoming Tom Monaghan to share his personal journey of accumulating wealth, but finding no lasting joy. He shares what helped him understand the sin of pride and find a more meaningful life. Tom also discusses why he feels called to use his wealth and resources to help others through education and philanthropy and emphasizes the importance of faith in his personal and collective leadership journey. 


“I want to do the will of God.” - Tom Monaghan 

“Get to heaven and take as many people with you as possible.” - Tom Monaghan   

“The best thing I can do for my fellow man is help them get to heaven.” -  Tom Monaghan 


This Week on The Wow Factor: 

  • Why Tom joined the Marine Corps 

  • How he revolutionized pizza delivery with innovations like cardboard boxes and conveyor ovens 

  • Tom recounts some of the challenges of running a pizza business, particularly in cooking the volume of pizzas ordered 

  • How Tom dealt with the threat of the business failing, and why he felt he was the man who should be in the driving seat 

  • Tom shares his five rules for life, which include prioritizing what's important and avoiding distractions as a way to maintain focus and discipline in leadership 

  • How Tom prioritizes spiritual, social, mental, physical, and financial well-being, and why that helped him turn around a huge company in 5 years 

  • More about Tom’s spiritual journey and why he sold his business to devote his full time to Catholic philanthropy 

  • Why Tom decided to start a university to promote excellence and faithfulness in Catholic education 

  • Tom’s insights on giving away money and time, encouraging younger people to read books on generosity and find joy in giving 


Tom Monaghan’s Words of Wisdom: 

Aim to get to heaven and take as many people with you as possible. 


More about Tom Monaghan:  


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