Episode 001 - Matt McPherson


On today’s episode of The Wow Factor, we welcome Matt McPherson to the show! As the Founder and CEO of Mathews Archery, Matt has dedicated his life to providing the best in bow performance, creating breakthrough technologies with state-of-the-art bow designs, and raising “industry standards in accuracy, speed, and stealth.” 

In this episode, you’ll hear how Matt got started with archery, how a message from God changed his life forever, and how to balance ambition with thoughtful planning and long-term strategy. 

Show Highlights

  • Matt’s love for archery and his life’s mission

  • Hearing God’s Message 

  • “Keep your eyes wide open and look for opportunity”

  • The secret of taking away inhibitions of customers

  • “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”

  • Impacting people in a positive way 

  • The dangers of branching out too soon 

  • Paying attention to the advice of others will serve you in the long run

Words of Wisdom from Matt

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

Matt mentioned the famous quote to emphasize that a great business doesn’t become successful out of thin air, but becomes successful with strategic planning. Matthews Archery became successful because Matt took the time to research and test bows to the extreme until he felt he developed a high caliber bow. 

Matt also saw the importance and power in prayer when starting a new company. He asked God to help him create the best bow in the world. He believes that if you ask big, you receive big and he took this seriously when it came to his business. He pointed out that people who plan and take big risks in business never look back and wish they had done less.

Pay attention to the advice of others

As an entrepreneur or business leader, we are at times reluctant to hear advice from others because we think we know the best way to approach a situation. Matt shares the importance of having someone, whether an assistant or colleague, that we can bounce ideas off of to gain a different perspective. Matt values the opinion of others, especially when they don’t think exactly the same.
Great advice can come from anyone or anywhere. Matt shared a story about a guy who worked in his warehouse who suggested a different layout for shelving, and how listening to that advice helped overall sales. 

Boys do what they want, men do what they should

The biggest word of wisdom from Matt was about making adult decisions. He emphasizes that when we start to make adult decisions, others will trust you. Trust is imperative when working with colleagues and employees, especially when the decisions you make as a leader are impacting everyone else. 

When you’re young, you make decisions based on impulse and you can’t make decisions that way when you’re leading a company. Decisions you make have to be based on planning, advice, and consideration of those who your decisions will impact.

The WOW Factor
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Matt McPherson  

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mathewsinc/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mathewsinc
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mathews_Archery
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Mathews1992?feature=guide


Episode 002 - Jim Franklin