John Ramstead, President of Alpha Principle, LLC, Episode 177

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John Ramstead is a successful entrepreneur, international speaker, and bestselling author with over two decades of experience coaching and mentoring leaders. He is the President of Alpha Principle, LLC, an impact investment advisory firm and Founder of Eternal Leadership. John draws from his military background as a fighter pilot in the United States Navy to offer valuable insights on leadership, teamwork, and adaptability. John is a sought-after speaker who has addressed audiences worldwide and authored the bestselling book "On Purpose With Purpose." Through his coaching, speaking, and writing, he is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations discover their purpose and reach their full potential.

Join us on this episode as we hear the inspiring story of John Ramstead, who shares his experience of surviving an accident that caused catastrophic injuries and the lengthy recovery process that gave him time to consider his future. We delve into the importance of not getting trapped in a victim mentality, reflecting on how you relate to others, and being open to change. John also shares some of the valuable insights he has learned from the leaders he has worked with, emphasizing the importance of knowing what you want to achieve in life to move forward.


"What if you bet on yourself? What's the worst that could happen?" - John Ramstead


"Imagine just a gift we can give to other people when we just take some time to slow down and encourage them." - John Ramstead


"Sit down and figure out the kind of life you're trying to create for yourself." - John Ramstead


This Week on The Wow Factor:

●      The moment John decided to make a huge decision and bet on himself despite his initial fear of failure

●      John’s experience of joining Top Gun as an instructor

●      How John survived the unsurvivable accident that caved in the entire left side of his skull, broke his neck, crushed his ribcage, and punctured his lung

●      The moment that John felt bathed in love by the Lord and how it helped him go on

●      The lengthy recovery process that gave John time to consider his future option

●      Why it was so important for John not to get trapped in the victim mentality

●      John’s experience of going from giver to receiver after his accident

●      Some things that John has learned from the leaders that he has worked with

●      Why knowing what you want to achieve in life is key to moving forward


John Ramstead’s Word of Wisdom:

Define your desired outcomes and create a clear vision for the life you want to lead, filter out external voices, and prioritize key goals to start connecting the dots towards achieving your goals.


Connect with John Ramstead:

·       John Ramstead Website

·       John Ramstead on LinkedIn

·       John Ramsted - Beyond Influence


Connect with The WOW Factor:

●      The WOW Factor Website

●      Connect with Brad Formsma via email

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●      Brad Formsma on Twitter


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