Episode 005 - Jerry Foster
On today’s episode we are joined by Foster Group’s Founder and Chairman of the Board, Jerry Foster. Foster Group is a SEC-regulated fiduciary, priding itself on offering financial services for individuals and institutions, qualified retirement plan consulting, and advanced financial planning services to its clients. Jerry Foster’s unique combination of knowledge, skills, expertise, and interests formed the perfect background to create the Foster Group, whose mission is “to be a catalyst for positive life change, providing financial solutions that reduce complexity and establish a high probability of success”.
In this episode…
you’ll hear Jerry talk about how he got started in the financial sector, how he leads his company effectively, why you should take the Kolbe Test, and the awesome power of giving back!
Are you a “Saver” or a “Spender”?
“I wanted to be responsible but didn’t know how to be”
Peoples first experiences with money
Leaving a legacy
Striving for excellence in business and the importance of creating your own personal mission statement
Developing employees and identifying their strengths within the company
How to break down your results of the Kolbe Test
Strength finders
Why giving back to your community and the world is the secret to life
Identify and celebrate your strengths and weaknesses. Once you have discovered what makes you, YOU, you can begin to operate more efficiently and become happier in your career.
The WOW Factor
Website: https://www.bradformsma.com
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Jerry Foster
Website: https://www.fostergrp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FosterGrp
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/foster-group
Twitter: https://twitter.com/foster_group
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvjzIN7CWlR7c-uvQbrEUDA