Episode 077 - Rabbi Lapin

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Rabbi Daniel Lapin, known as America’s Rabbi, is a noted rabbinic scholar, popular international speaker, and best-selling author. He hosts the Rabbi Daniel Lapin podcast as well as co-hosting the Ancient Jewish Wisdom TV Show on the TCT network with his wife, Susan. Rabbi Lapin’s ability to extract life principles from the Bible and entertainingly transmit them, thus improving peoples’ finances, family, and community life have brought countless numbers of Jews and Christians closer to their respective faiths.

Rabbi Lapin joins me on the podcast today to give us an insight into where he originates from, both geographically and spiritually, and gives an overview of the projects that he is currently involved in. He shares the pivotal moment in his life when he learned to speak from the heart, without notes or autocue, and why he continues that habit today. Rabbi Lapin also discusses why he feels teaching deferment of gratification is fundamental to child-raising while you have your child's attention for the crucial 10 years from 13 to 23. 

"If your plans are out of sync with God's destiny for you, then he's going to whack you. And if you persist along your path, persisting in doing that which was not part of the plan for you, then he whacks you with a bigger stick until it becomes a two by four. And then finally, you get the message.”  - Rabbi Lapin

“Don't try and fight God's current, God created our soul. We human beings are designed to be givers rather than takers.” - Rabbi Lapin

“Success in life means understanding deferment of gratification.” - Rabbi Lapin

This week on The Wow Factor:

  • How Rabbi Lapin learned to express and organize his thoughts from an early age 

  • How he teaches parents to be more intentional, particularly with their sons in the 13 to 23 age range

  • Why, if you don't commit to the hard work of raising your child right in adolescence then you are storing up a lifetime of problems

  • When Rabbi Lapin decided that pursuing a path as a Rabbi was the right one for him

  • How he discovered that some of the things he thought he knew were wrong thinking and where his journey took him from there 

  • Why human beings are intrinsically givers and why generosity inspires generosity

  • Rabbi Lapin’s latest project to make the world a more giving place 

Rabbi Lapin’s Words of Wisdom:

The most important word of wisdom is that there is never only one important word of wisdom. People’s lives are far too complex to operate based on a slogan here or a saying there or an aphorism somewhere else. It depends on what challenges are facing you at any given time. 

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