Episode 058 - Johnnie Moore

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Johnnie Moore began his career at Liberty University, where he served as the school’s Senior Vice President for Communications and Chaplain, before moving into the role of Chief of Staff and Vice President of Faith Content for the United Artists Media Group in Hollywood. He has been named one of America’s twenty-five most influential evangelicals and is founder and CEO of The Kairos Company and President of The Congress of Christian Leaders. He is best known for his work at the intersection of faith and foreign policy and is a Commissioner for the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Johnnie joins me to share why he started preaching in-country churches at 14 and how that led to a life-changing anonymous donation that culminated in his admission to Liberty University. He details his journey from serving as Chaplain at Liberty to working in Hollywood and his subsequent decision to set up The Kairos Company and the leadership lessons he learned along the way.  Johnnie also discusses his book The Next Jihad: Stop the Christian Genocide in Africa, why he was so motivated to release the book as quickly as possible, and the action steps people can take to engage with the issues he discusses. 

"Being a good leader is hard work and perseverance and humility and being able to take criticism and not being driven exclusively by the opinions of people .”  - Johnnie Moore

“Even with a good grounding, sometimes you’ll make mistakes, the mistake isn’t what’s important; what’s most important is what you learn from it.” - Johnnie Moore

“Trust is the most valuable commodity in the world. It is the hardest to build and the easiest to lose, and when someone trusts you, and you trust them, that is the most valuable thing.” - Johnnie Moore

This week on The Wow Factor:

  • What he discovered about himself in his difficult early life and how God used those challenging seasons to bring him to faith

  • Details of the convocation process that Johnnie developed at Liberty University and what he learned about leadership from visiting speakers

  • The one lesson that he has taken away from the practice of convocation that has served him well over his whole life

  • The setbacks along the way that have pushed him to move forward

  • What happened when he took the leap into founding his own business and why he still devotes a significant chunk of his time to helping persecuted Christians around the world

  • The importance of finding mentors you trust and why it is so critical to look outside your own niche and generation to connect

  • Why it is vital to trust your instincts as a thought leader

Johnnie Moore’s Words of Wisdom:

  • You’ve got to take action; it’s not enough just to care, or have aspirations, or pray. God expects us to act. The ripples of generosity flow outwards indefinitely.

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