Episode 056 - Ross Luurtsema

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Today on the podcast….

You’ll meet Ross Luurtsema, owner and president of transportation and logistics company ALTL, Inc.. He has embraced the journey of life with faith and patience that's God’s plan would be revealed. Ross currently serves on boards for the Grotenhuis Group, Lost Creek Stone, and Walker Charter Academy, and he and his wife of 41 years, Terry, are also active in their community. Now that Ross has taken a step back from the day-to-day operations of the business, he enjoys time away in La Quinta, CA, and keeps active by playing golf, and tennis, and bicycling.

In this episode…

Ross shares whether it's hard as a founder to move out of your business's day-to-day operations when you loosen your hands on the reins. He discusses how he feels about his three sons joining the business and the measures they have collectively put in place to ensure that ALTL is an officer-driven company, not a family-driven company. We also explore Ross's early life and upbringing, the importance of faith to his family, and the impact on him of having a father who was mostly absent because of his work during childhood. 

"Trials with faith always have a safety net."  - Ross Luurtsema

"Affirmation is the complement of knowing where you're going; insecurity is your own self-worth and doubt when nobody affirms. Faith in its own search is its own affirmation." - Ross Luurtsema

"You learn to be built for the task ahead."  - Ross Luurtsema

This week on The Wow Factor:

  • How Brad and Ross met and the mystery of that 'I Like Giving' card 

  • Why receiving is often harder than giving

  • His fathers business in trucking fresh produce, the business innovations Ross introduced to the company, and the two things they did to ensure success in the early days

  • How things changed when they pivoted and outsourced some of the work

  • Importance of the branding and how they decided on the ALTL name and signature blue color

  • Why seeing a job through to the end is one of Ross's guiding principles 

  • The stress of keeping one eye on the margins and the impact on Ross's family of the business 

  • Why the support of someone in your life who loves you is so critical, and why Ross is so grateful to his wife, who has been with him through thick and thin

  • Why Ross trusted in God and prayed through the hard times and put his faith in God's plan for him

  • What he learned about diversification and honoring commitments during what seemed an impossible setback for the business

Ross Luurtsema’s Words of Wisdom:

We are not in control of the past or the future; they are in God's hands, but we are in control of today. We need to seize the day because our lives are defined by how we live in the present

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